Shipwrecked Faith?

1 Tim 1:19

Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:

Dear Timothy,

My message will be brief. My thoughts are still carrying over from my last letter to you.

Son, you hold the greatest existing treasure in your heart. That treasure is faith; Apostolic, scriptural faith. It is the measure of faith that God has given every man.

Concerning doctrinal beliefs, Christ's church, the new birth message, and such, there is only one faith. The Bible calls it “The faith.” This is not open to personal opinion or interpretation. The Bible itself is the only authority on its definition.

Hold fast to your faith and the apostolic doctrines. Your life, your soul, and your ministry depend on it! One of the saddest things you will experience in ministry is seeing someone toss their faith overboard and become spiritually shipwrecked. Regardless, continue extending love, kindness, prayer, and patience to all who do so. Do not stop sailing forward in your commitment to apostolic ministry for anything or anyone who decides to jump ship. NEVER JUMP OVERBOARD YOURSELF! Stay in the “Old Ship Zion” (the Church).

Keep your faith Son. Protect your faith, secure it, fortify it! And remember that your anchor (apostolic doctrine) will keep you safe. Jesus is the Captain of our salvation. Put your full trust and faith in Him.

Remember the lesson of Noah? Get in the boat, and stay in the boat!

I believe in you, and I love you, Timothy!


C. 2023 bishop lcgore

Edited by Cindy Adams

L. Chancy Gore

bishop & hope dealer,
the refuge church of the lake cities


I Commit this Mandate of Ministry into Your Hands, Son!